Monday, September 20, 2010

Sharing a letter from Trent

Sept. 10 2010
I Want to tell you about experience I had. Something that helped me learn about prayer, and how it best works when we ask for the right things.
Last Sunday night on the 5th during the movie time at night, we went to were they where showing a film about teaching, from Elder Holland. It was made to help new seminary teacher. (I really liked it, and I took good notes) Well, that whole day I had been getting sick, and by that point at night I was really achy. Kinda like when you get the flu, During the movie it was at its worst, it got to the point where I couldn’t eve pay attention to the film because I was aching so bad. I was getting really discouraged because I was really wanting to pay attention. So I decided to pray and I simply explained that I really wanted to able to pay attention and learn what I could. As soon as I ended my prayer, like a light switch, my whole body went numb. All the aching I had been feeling went away and I did not feel any discomfort. I ended up taking 2 pages of notes from this video and I learned a lot.
As soon as the video was over immediately began to feel the aching slowly start to come back. But I was fine with that, I realized that I had ask for a specific need, and it was for a righteous desire, and a want that was aligned with what Heavenly Father also wanted for me. My testimony and understanding grew a lot that night, and I will never forget how much I felt the spirit that night.
I was only sick for the very next day. Another blessing I don’t think I would have received if I hadn’t decided to stay focused and keep working, and not let the aliments distract me. Because if I wanted to I could have stayed in bed all day, but I felt it was a chance to show I desired to keep working, and I was blessed for it. OF COURSE, the only way I felt these things was from the was I felt the spirit about it. I love feel the spirit, it so real, its awesome. I love being a missionary, and I love all of you.
Elder Treadway

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