Friday, August 20, 2010

Tremendous Gift

I think Trent was playing around with one of his room mates. We also see that he not shaving much :)

Hola mi familia, How is everyone? I got your mom and dads last dearelders, thank you for them. And yes mom, you can start sending packages again, lol. Well things are starting to feel like they're picking up, yesterday we had a meeting with the Argentine Consulate rep who came here from L.A and gave us a little address about Argentina and some things he thought we ought to know, (wasn't very much I didn't already know which I'm glad for because it made me feel like I have been well informed). It was interesting still, he is not a member of the church and a very "proud" person. Especially proud of "his" country. I feel as though that’s what we can expect with alot of the people from Argentina. He simply said he's sure were goanna love, to try everything we have the opportunity to try (especially when it comes to food and the "beef" because we'll come to find its much better than what we have for meat in the U.S, lol) and he gave a courteous warning to always be aware of where we are at all times, and to find out from trusted sources about different places in our areas. All around he was very informative and a nice guy. My Spanish is still not feeling like its coming that easy, but yesterday as I realized after a couple of times that I can pretty much say all my prayers in Spanish with no problem, it helped me to relax and not to stress about it and remember I’ve only been learning it for 5 weeks. Which reminds me, can you believe its been 5 Weeks! This whole time I thought time has been moving slow and yesterday it hit me like a brick, its been 5 weeks already, haha. My comp and I didn't get to go to the temple this morning because the we had our haircuts times during it, we have no other option because its about a week and a half wait on the Barber list. Soon as I'm done on the computer infact, its my turn. I can't tell you how much my testimony of prayer has grown. Its gotten to where my favorite point of the day is at the end before going to bed, being able to pray and having a full knowing confidence that father in Heaven is listening is a tremendous gift. "Yo se que Padre Celestial vive" ( I know that God lives) I love you all, Hope Talissa's foot it doing alright, funny how in her letter she said she had Gatorade at the Doc office, atta girl. lol

Elder Treadway

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