Hi mommy!
That’s what everyone calls there moms here, everyone from 4 year olds to 30 year olds, its kind of funny sometimes because they do it in a whiny voice and everything and its just normal.
Well I’m not sure what could have caused your dream or made you worry about me. I will admit that this last week was probably one of the most stressful. My companion left this morning. I don’t think we both realized how close we were until last night and this morning. But I think you can say it was a good time working with someone if you both have tears in your eyes when saying goodbye. It was kind of funny because he’s an Idaho farm boy and was doing his absolute very best not to let it show, and I did the same. Last week we had interviews with President Lindahl and he just flat out told me that Elder Hurst was THE best missionary he’s had. I’m very humbled that I got to start out with him and learn what I did. I feel I’ve gotten to see the best example I could’ve of what it means to truly be lost in the work. The best part is that he did it so well I had no choice but to let it happen to me. I’m really going to miss him, but am excited for the future. Especially anxious for Wednesday for when I’ll more than likely be getting my first Latin comp! I’m really excited because over the last couple of days I’ve really improved in the language, and so if I get a Latin it will only help to speed the learning process, especially now that I basically understand better how to learn.
So that’s basically what’s been happening. Elder Hurst will be home on Wednesday and he’ll be going to BYU Idaho. (Funny thing, I told him about how Tyra will be going there, ever since he’s liked to tease me about he’ll try and find her and marry her so that we could be brothers in law for eternity, lol. He was just kidding of course, I told him I’d knock him out if he did.)
I’m starting to like Argentina. Like as in, now things are starting to become normal. The food is starting to taste good, I’m understanding a little bit more everyday when the people speak, and the work is just becoming more enjoyable because of that. Thank you for your letters, I’ll talk to ya next week, I Love You mom
So I went to McDonalds for the first time today. It was SoO good! I really miss tacos though.
So my new comp is pretty good, Elder Luce is his name. He is from Las Vegas and is pretty much exactly like Tanner. He wear’s glasses the same and everything, and his personality fits too, its really funny.
So you want to hear something funny. I almost got my lights knocked out by a tree branch. Its been really windy from this past week, and all the streets are pretty much lined up with big tall trees. But, their really dry and very powerful winds come through and break off ¨Big¨ branches. We were waiting at a bus stop last this past Saturday night and we heard this big cracking noise, all a sudden ¨Bam!¨ this huge branch that weighed like 40 pounds just landed on the ground right next to me. I don’t now how it didn’t hit me because if barely scraped the bottom of my ankle and shoe, like as is it literally fell within centimeters of me. We were just kinda like ¨Holy cow man, You just about died!¨ haha, it was pretty funny.
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